Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2012

Morgen früh beginnt der Aufbau...

... und wer das Chaos auf dem Platz sieht, denkt nicht, dass wenige Stunden später der stimmungsvolle WeinSommer auf einem der schönsten Plätze Deutschlands stattfindet.

Ab 16.00 Uhr öffnen die Weinstände und mit dem großen Plopp der 6-Liter-Methusalem-Flasche startet das WeinSommer-Wochenende. Drücken wir alle die Daumen für gutes Wetter - und dann viel Vergnügen!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Construction begins tomorrow morning" heralds the commencement of what promises to be a transformative project. The anticipation surrounding this milestone is palpable, as it signifies the start of a journey towards realizing a vision. The meticulous planning and preparation leading up to this moment are a testament to the dedication and expertise of the teams involved. As the first bricks are laid and the initial steps taken, there's a sense of excitement and potential in the air. This announcement is not just a notification of impending work, but a proclamation of progress and the promise of something new and impactful on the horizon. It marks the beginning of a chapter that holds the potential to shape and enhance the environment it will ultimately become a part of.
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  2. With anticipation building and excitement in the air, construction is set to commence tomorrow morning, marking the beginning of a transformative journey. As the first shovels break ground and the sounds of machinery fill the air, a sense of possibility and progress permeates the atmosphere. With meticulous planning and skilled craftsmanship, this construction project promises to shape the landscape and leave a lasting imprint on the community. From the laying of foundations to the erection of structures, each phase will unfold with precision and purpose, paving the way for a new chapter of growth and development. As the sun rises on the inaugural day of construction, anticipation is high, and the journey toward realizing this vision begins in earnest.
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